Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Iceland, day one, part two

The sun comes up at 11am local here...and we timed our elevator ride up a several hundred feet tall steeple just right that I was able to shoot about 100 photos of the sun coming up over downtown. We spent a bit of time exploring, popped in a few shops, and had Greek food for lunch. I'm excited about the pics I got this morning, and hope to post them later tonite. After dinner, we are taking a Jeep ride to see the Northern more excellent photos there. A few notes: All the sodas are 40's, all the taxis are Mercedes, and all the satellite dishes point down about 15 degrees. -chall


Tiki Sanchez said...

Only you would notice the degree's of the Sat dishes. We made it home. Abby told me she "got the frost bite on her toes." A couple things i learned about being in the snow.
1) You can never have too many pairs of socks. (They also double for mittens)
2) Honda Odyssey's are not certified to drive in the snow.
3) Walking up & down hills is better than sliding your van out-of-control backwards down one towards a highway with your entire family in said van.(btw the lack of punctuation was intended.
PS- My crew is on the prayer thing.

Tiki Sanchez said...

oh yeah-
Iceland is neither a land made of ice nor an icee-land... discuss.
