Wednesday, October 27, 2010


The bible says: "And God saw every thing that he had made, and,
behold, it was good". When did good become not good enough? At what
point did we decide that we needed amazing? The creator finishes up
making this place and says: "it was good"...not amazing. So people go
looking for something "amazing" while passing over the thing that is
"good"...problem is...amazing can only be amazing for a short time...A
firework is amazing...but, it's only amazing for a few seconds...then
dark. The firework is an impressive, sexy thing...that doesn't last. I
see so many people looking for fireworks in a relationship...and as
soon as the fireworks dim, they're gone...looking for the next blast.
A plant is's something that takes work...watering, sunlite,
shielding from the cold, compromise, etc... All the firework takes is
1 real work. 1 match and it goes's
impressive...and requires little effort...but then it's gone...and you
want another. The plant is something that if cared for properly, can
produce fruit and last has deep roots that have a good
hold of the ground. It's something you can rely on if you're willing
to invest the effort.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


If you know me, you know that I almost never discuss politics...but...John Moss sent me this article...and it made me very happy. I love Mo Tucker.

