I've been in a noise-making mood lately...

Icarus is gonna play a noise show on Nov. 1
I've been messing around with making some pre-recorded loops on my computer...

The main problem right now is that this chair is empty...

We're making music that sounds like this:

Who wouldn't wanna give that a shot?
I'm headed to Athens Friday for what is sure to be the hilite of my month...John Cable and Tim Helms band's CD release party...THEN...Saturday nite is Pumpkinfest. Here's some pics of last year:

Ain't that gonna be some fun?
Well, I'm gonna try and get to sleep earlier than 4am tonite...we'll see how that works out.
That's my message.

Wine, hot sauce, and olive oil? That looks like a hell of a drink. And hooray noise and mayhem! I'll look forward to tuning in to this one.
The wine is for Philosophizing...the sauce is for making things hot, and the oil is for simmering. Put them together and you get a simmering hot philosophy drink.
Actually, I think I might try mixing those up and see what happens...I'll probably end of taking the rest of that day off.
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